Mark Budman is a first-generation immigrant. An engineer by training, he currently works as a medical interpreter. His fiction has appeared in Catapult, Witness, World Literature Today, Mississippi Review, The London Magazine (UK), McSweeney’s, Painted Bride Quarterly, and elsewhere. He is the author of the novel “My Life at First Try,” published by Counterpoint, and co-editor of immigration-themed anthologies published by Ooligan Press, Persea and the University of Chester (UK). One of his short story collections from Livingston Press received a starred review at Kirkus, and Kirkus also named it one of the best books of 2023, and an anthology published by Ooligan received an honorable mention by the Forward Indies 2022 Award.
I’m a semi-finalist!
We are delighted to inform you that your story On the Move has been selected as one of the finalists of the second edition of Money Chronicles: A Story Initiative, a national short story contest supported by Principal Foundation, The Center for Fiction and Short Edition.
In recognition of your talent, we are pleased to offer you a $150 honorarium and will proudly distribute your story across Principal Foundation’s Short Story.
I’m honored and I’m rich.
I’m the winner in the writing contest.
Mark’s books (some are co-authored with friends):
Links to some of my stories online (others are available only in print; (sorry):
Lake Effect (Cincinnati Review)
Death of the Classical Handshake (The Quiet Reader)
The Butterfly Effect, Times Four (Moria)
Low Flying Children (Catapult)
Trespassing—a Criminal Offense (Short Edition)
My Plastic Dreams (Metastellar)
THREE AND A HALF MURAS (Adelaide Magazine)
The Land of Dreams, the Garden of Insomnia (Virginia Quarterly)
The Painter’s Wife (Fiction SouthEast)
Love and Faith in the Shadow of Lenin (Painted Bride Quarterly)
A Knight On The Town (Huffington Post)
On Demand (Raleigh Review)
The Amazing Adventures of Macro-Microbe (Drunken Boat)
One Imperial Ruble (Daily Science Fiction)
Good For Nothing (La Petite Zine)
Tempest A La Mode (Ostrich Review)
FOR THE BIRDS (Atticus Review)
Cats! Cats! Cats! (Cat Tales)
My Left Foot (Conversely)
Three Strikes (Guernica/PEN)
The Goodness of Heart (Prairie Schooner)
Love Stories (Necessary Fiction)
In the Clouds (Akashic Books)
Super Couple (New World Writing)
Old Bibliography (prior to 2012)
- Midstream (printed) May ’87, A SovietEmigre’s How-To(essay)
- Beyond (printed) #17, 1990, Just A Guy (short story)
- Anthology (printed), Water (poem)
- Midstream (printed) June/July 1994, Joseph (poem)
- Midstream (printed) November ’94, Auntie Motya (poem)
- Midstream (printed) June/July 1995, Messiah (poem)
- Midstream (printed) August/September 1996, Delilah(poem)
- Toth (online), 1997 Glass (short story)
- Highbeams (online) Spring ’97, volume 2, number 1,Tourist Lamenting, Geek (poems)
- Knightmares 1997, Through The Heart (short story)
- Mississippi Review (online) July/August 1997, Volume3, number 7&8, Fur Elise (short story)
- Gowanus (online) Autumn 1997, Country Roads (shortstory)
- Enterzone (online) 11/97, #12, Besides The GoldenDoor (short story)
- Through Darkling Glass (online) December ’97, On theSubject of Magic (short story)
- Pyrowords (online), Canada , January 1998, Aliens InParadise (short story)
- The Orphic Chronicles (online) 2/98, volume 3, issue1, Florida Antiques (poem)
- Midstream (printed) February-March 1998, Lot ‘s Wife(poem)
- Spaceways Weekly (online), Canada , 2/98,Frog Legs (short story)
- Eternity Online (online) 4/98, #8, Brave Heart (shortstory)
- Talebones (printed) Spring 98, Black Angel (poem)
- The Tales’ Realm (online) 1998, Two Parts Apart(short story)
- Jackhammer (online), July 1998, Don’t Touch My Placein Paradise (short story)
- AlienQ (online), December 1998, David and Gliaf(short story)
- Recursive Angel (online), May 1999, Dream On (shortstory)
- Midstream (printed), July-August, 1999, TheSixth Day, Friday (poem)
- Papyrus (printed), Winter 99-00, Workshop Crit (shortstory)
- Exquisite Corpse (online), April 2000, Issue #4, Mr.L (short story)
- In Posse– Web Del Sol (online), Issue 5, May 2000,The Dark Side of the Moon (short story)
- Planet Relish (online), May 2000, Dying is Easy(short story)
- Litkit (online), June 2000, Ten Laws Of Acceptance(essay)
- Would That It Were (online), July 2000, The MorningStar (short story)
- Aileron (online), August 2000, Fall At ThisLongtitude (poem)
- Moria (online), September 2000, Romancing On Stonesand A Leaf Is Dying (poems)
- Dreams And Nightmares (printed), September 2000,Returning Home (poem)
- Would That It Were (online), October 2000, TheDancing Girl (short story)
- Voyage (printed), England , October 2000, Black Is MyFavorite Color (short story)
- In Posse– Web Del Sol (online), November 2000, My PCLife (short story)
- In Posse– Web Del Sol (online), November 2000, TheLast Jew (short story)
- Melic Review (online), Winter 2000, IT’S LIKE SALTYWATER, ONLY RED (short story)
- La Petite Zine– Web Del Sol (online), Winter 2000,Issue 5, Good For Nothing (short story)
- Millenium (online), December 2000, Pig-Malion (shortstory)
- Writer Online (online), January 2001, Clean Olive Oil(short story)
- Snow Monkey (print), February 2001, Wrong Number(short story)
- Antipodian (online, Australia ), February 2001, DyingIs Easy (short story reprint)
- Pedestal (online), June 2001, Dear Nicholas (poem)
- Parting Gifts (printed), 2001, Grandmother (poem)
- Parting Gifts (printed), 2001, The Other Side (poem)
- Mississippi Review (online), Summer 2001, To Own theBlock (short story)
- The Phone Book (online), Version 4.0, 180Centimeters (short story)
- Exquisite Corpse (online),Fall/Winter 2002, Issue 10,Viva España ? (essay)
- Virginia Quarterly Review (print), Winter 2002, TheLand of Dreams, The Garden of Insomnia (short story)
- Web Del Sol — Artifacts, Issue 8, Winter 2002, TheDark Side of the Moon (a flash story animation)
- The Phone Book (online), Version 5.0, Out ofSink (short story)
- 3AM , France , (online), March 2002, Once in a BlueMoon (short story)
- Ideomancer , Australia (Online), Pharoah, (shortstory)
- The Phone Book (online), Version 6.0, Dinner for TwoWithout a Table , (short story)
- The Phone Book (online), Version 6.0 , The Art ofLove , (short story)
- Conversely (online), Fall 2002, My Left Shoe (shortstory)
- Mississippi Review (online), Winter 2003, A PatrioticAngel (short story)
- The Phone Book (online), V.9 March 2003, Pb (shortstory)
- The Phone Book (online), V9 March 2003, Cat’s Magic(short story)
- The Powhatan Review (print), Winter 2003/2004, Time(poem)
- Quintessence (online) July 2004, “In the Company of aWolf” (short story)
- McSweneey’s (online) August 2004, “An Open Letter toNepotism” (an essay)
- Ink Pot #5 (print) October 2004, “Sixty Seconds”(short story)
- Iowa Review (online) December 2004, “The Frog Prince”(flash animation)
- Turnrow (print) Winter 2005, “George Saundersinterview” (non-fiction)
- Neo-Opsis #5 (print) 3/2005, “Golem” (short story)
- Gator Springs Gazette (print) Issue 5, January 2005,”Down Came the Rain” (short story)
- The Bloomsbury Review (print) Vol. 25/Issue 3.May/June 2005, “Interview with Lara Vapnyar” (non-fiction)
- ChiZine (online) Issue 25, July-September 2005, “TheMan With Hungry Eyes” (short story)
- Lorraine and James (print) Issue 1, Fall 2005, “ATreatise on the Power of Reading ” (short story)
- Eclectica (online) January/February 2006, “The MiddleSister” (book review)
- BoundOff (Audio magazine) Issue 2, March 2006 “TwelveSteps Down”
- The Bloomsbury Review (print) May/June 2006 “The DeadFish Museum” (book review)
- WW Norton Flash Fiction Forward anthology (print),August 2006 “A Patriotic Angel”
- Mississippi Review (print) October 2006 “To My Love.”
- Ooligan Press (print) November 2007 “You Have Timefor This ” flash fiction anthology (with Tom Hazuka)
- Connecticut Review (print) Fall 2007 “Scarabeaeus Simplex”
- Marginalia (print), Fall 2007 “Notes on Flying”
- ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press(print) December 2007, “The Best Flash Fiction of the 21st Century,” flashfiction anthology (with Tom Hazuka)
- Stone Canoe (print) January 2008, “KeepSawing, Shura” (short story)
- Neo (print), Summer 2008, “The Artist,” an excerpt from “My Life at First Try.”
- Cat Tales, an anthology (print), August 2008, three hailkus
- The London Magazine, October/November 2008, “Titan. The Office Romance.”
- Pank. March 2009. “The Amazing Adventures of Macro-Microbe,” short story.
- Mississippi Review. Summer 2009. “Lot’s Wife,” short story.
- Flash Fiction (UK). Summer 2009 “Diptych,” short story.
- 50 to 1. February 2010. “I was a Cat Once,” short story.
- Southeast Review. Summer 2010. “Before the Storm.”
- Annalemma. August 2010. “Eternal Love,” short story.
- Camera Obscura. Winter 2010. “Paradise Recovered,” a short story.
- Blip. August 2010. “Courage Under Fire,” a short story.
- Raleigh Review, October 2010, “On Demand,” short story.
- Bound Off. January 2011. “The King Died,” a podcast.
- Sonora Review. January 2011. “Scalene Triange,” short story
- Eric’s Hysterics. May 2011. “10,000 Steps,” short story.
- Warwick Review. Summer 2011. “Whispering Reeds,” short story.
- The Literary Review. TBD. “Odnoklassniki,” a short story.
- Short Fiction (UK). TBD. “Resoning Nazis,” a short story